The Practice of Meditation

Do not mistake the finger pointing at the moon for the moon itself.

In other words, do not mistake doctrines, teachings or explanations, which are intended to guide one toward enlightenment, for enlightenment itself.

In meditation, we learn the act of coming back to the mantra (or the breath, or focus point) to quieten the mind. 

The mantra is used to anchor our focus back to the centre when thoughts and feelings are overwhelming or when the mind gets busy with incessant noise.

Coming back to the centre refocuses our attention and quietens the noise that usually comes from the Ego rather than from the centre of our Being.

This act of meditation is a tool; where the greater lesson is the practice of always returning to the centre of our Being.

We will always come across situations or emotions that do not act or come from an intention of love and wisdom.

Meditation reminds us to always come back, and refer to a point of love and wisdom when dealing with others. It reminds us to see past the noise, and recognise and connect with the light in others.

This is how we expand and allow Being to resonate wider and bigger - to create the impact we want in the world.

Amanda x