Of Awareness & Being

Awareness is one of the most innate gifts of our human existence and capability. 

Deepening and expanding our natural state of awareness is a fulfilling part of life, and has benefits larger than ourselves. 

Accessing a deeper level of awareness, allows us to come to know our true nature and the awareness of how we are all interconnected. It gives us a deeper sense of belonging to and with life.

The state of experiencing this deeper awareness of our interconnection, is also called Being.

When we sustain our awareness of Being, we experience a constant connection with this feeling of belonging, interconnectedness and sacredness with life. We live in harmony with all that is life. 

Being is our authentic form of self-awareness. It is a natural state of awareness that emerges when we learn how to allow our mind to settle into quieter and expansive states of awareness. 

Meditation trains our mind to naturally do this.

Amanda x