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About Me

Hi, I’m Amanda. I create space for those weary of the world.

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Find effortless peace & intuitive clarity.

I teach an easy to learn meditation technique that is accessible and effective for beginners and experienced meditators.

Each session is unique for you. You will arrive home at your authentic self with bliss, joy, relief, acceptance, forgiveness and empowerment. Rediscover your inner peace and centred calm that have always been with you from your very beginning.

This is a journey to return to your authentic self.


This is a journey about you. This is a journey to return to your authentic self.

My approach enables your intuition to speak louder. This means we arrive at outcomes that are authentic and true to you.

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An authentic, effortless approach.


I am a certified 1 Giant Mind meditation teacher. I choose to teach this method as it is the easiest meditation technique for beginners to get into. This being technique also makes it easier to expand your meditation practice with other meditation techniques.

Meditation helps you find inner peace and develops your inner intuition to bring greater clarity in your day-to-day life.

Unearthing this authenticity of who we are allows us to be most at peace with ourselves and everything else around us.

Growing up in a very diverse environment, I embrace and love the uniqueness about every single person. I continue to celebrate our differences because this is what makes us human.

There is no judgement, no right or wrong, but simple acceptance, compassion and kindness towards whoever you are, wherever you are in your journey.

Embracing this principle underpins my natural approach in encouraging answers and outcomes that are truly centred around you.


This is about you and your journey.


Are you ready for impactful transformation?


Sign up for free guided meditations and be invited to group meditations.
