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Meditation is a return to love.

Return to yourself. Love yourself. Quieten the noise, and allow your self-awareness to expand. Rediscover the joy of being exactly who you are, as you are. This is the path to effortless peace and happiness. Begin your journey to return to your authentic self.

what are even the right words to describe how you feel

Battling stress is a tough fight.


This is a time like no other, and suddenly we’re pressured in all areas - the mental weight is overwhelming.

There’s so much noise outside and inside. It’s like navigating a jungle in my head - and I just want out.

I can’t see an end to this and I just don’t know myself or what I want. I just don’t know how to be happy anymore.

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Find effortless peace.

  • An easy, effective being meditation practice that enables your mind and body to move into deep relaxation

  • Allows your mind and body to recover from stress and fatigue

  • Simple to learn technique that embraces an effortless approach

  • Have better sleep and an enhanced self-awareness for intuitive clarity

  • Feel a greater sense of calm, a quieter mind and a more positive mindset

  • Nurture connection with yourself, those around you, and nature

  • Allow your intuition to speak louder and let your authentic self be

  • Rediscover happiness through alignment with your inner self


Begin your journey to return to your authentic self.

Connect with me for a free, no obligation 15 minute call and see if you’re ready to embark on this journey.


An easy, simple to learn meditation practice.

There are different types of meditation practices and it’s about discovering what works best for you.

As a certified 1 Giant Mind meditation teacher, I choose to teach this method as it is the easiest meditation technique for beginners to get into. This being technique also makes it easier to expand your meditation practice with other meditation techniques.

This is structured as 3 consecutive sessions, lasting 90 minutes each day. Completing this will set you up to get into the habit of meditation.

You will arrive home at your authentic self — with bliss, joy, relief, acceptance, forgiveness and empowerment.

Rediscovering your inner Being that has always been with you from your very beginning.


How does it work?

This is a personal, 1-to-1, authentic journey for you and as your meditation teacher, I’ll support you throughout the process.

15 minutes discovery call

We'll start with an initial 15 minutes discovery call to allow you to ask questions and see if this is right for you.

3 consecutive sessions

We spend 90 minutes each day for 3 consecutive days teaching you the techniques of an effortless meditation practice, and have discussions around any questions.

daily meditation practice

We set you up for a daily meditation habit. I remain available for you to contact if any questions.


Don’t meditate to fix yourself, to heal yourself, to improve yourself, to redeem yourself;  rather, do it as an act of love, of deep warm friendship to yourself.

—Bob Sharples, Meditation: Calming the Mind




Is your meditation technique part of a religious practice?

No, the technique I teach is not a religious practice. This technique focuses on the process of awakening and nurturing deep self-awareness. It does not require nor teach any specific beliefs or religious orientation.

What is the 1 Giant Mind technique derived from?

The 1 Giant Mind meditation technique is created by Jonni Pollard. It is rooted within the Vedic tradition from India which has been practiced for 5000 years. Jonni also studied a variety of lineages and meditation traditions that assisted him in making this meditation technique more accessible and effective for a modern lifestyle.

Is this suitable for beginners? I’ve never done meditation before.

Yes, absolutely! The 1 Giant Mind meditation technique was created with the intention to bring meditation to as many people as possible, hence why it is one of the most accessible meditation techniques.

How is learning meditation from you different from learning from an app?

Everyone is different, and different things work for different people. This 1-to-1, hands-on experience of learning is far more personal, intuitive, and impactful in making meditation a daily habit. The relationship between a meditation teacher and student also creates a powerful bond that supports ongoing personal development.


Are you ready to discover effortless peace?